Pregnancy is natural process

As per the ayurveda..

A time tested medical science

Let's schedule your visit!

Keeping Psychotherapy & Counseling !

An innovative practice that cares for families child at a time.

Santripty Ayurveda is established solely for the purpose of propagating pure Ayurveda as a means of ensuring healthy lifestyle free from ailments. A wide range of classical ayurvedic therapies are provided at our centre. We offer pure, authentic and classical ayurvedic treatment with the aim of rejuvenating the body and the spirit. We provide ayurvedic therapy and treatment that is unique to each individual and their body type (dosha), identifying the underlying factors in the ailment.


‘SantriptyAyurveda’, delivers Ayurveda treatment in a professional and consistently reliable manner that sets the definitive benchmark for Ayurveda medical assessment and treatment. Our aim is to serve mankind & to make this earth a better place to live. Your suggestions/concerns are always welcome to make Sankripty Ayurveda better. My motto is to helping clients to work through the problems and identifying the root cause. Main purpose is to achieve their personal goals and gain insight into their lives.

Psychotherapy & Counseling Expert


Ischemic Colitis

Ischemic colitis is a condition characterized by reduced blood flow to the colon, leading to inflammation and injury. This segment of the large intestine is called the colon.This reduced blood flow may be caused by narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the colon. It also may be due to reduced blood flow caused by low […]

Situs Solitus

Situs solitus refers to the normal arrangement of internal organs within the body. It’s the typical anatomical arrangement where the heart is on the left side of the chest, the liver is on the right, and other organs are in their usual positions. Types:There are no specific types of situs solitus since it represents the […]


Euthanasia, is an act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from painful and incurable disease or incapacitating physical disorder or allowing them to die by withholding treatment or withdrawing artificial life-support measures. Because there is no specific provision for it in most legal systems, it is usually regarded as either suicide (if performed by the patient […]

In a couples-friendly environment!

My private practice is specially designed to help kids and couples feel like home.

Have you planned your well-baby appointment?

Call Now (+91) 935-065-4978 to schedule your next appointment!