Dincharya is the Ayurvedic regime of right living, which is designed for maintainence of health acheivement of a long and healthy life.
One should maintain following good habits to live a good life –
• Wake up time
It is advisable to wake up during Brahma Muhurta (between 3a.m. to 6a.m.). This is the best time for the students to study and perfect time to calm your soul through mediation.
• Drinking water
Drinking water early in the morning according to one’s capacity cleanses the body by enhancing the elimination of toxic wastes.
• Bowel
One should attend the nature’s calls. Elimination of urine and faeces on time cleanses the body and cheers up the mind.
• Oral Cleanliness
The soft brushes made out of twigs of Arka, Khadira, Karanja, Apamarga etc. should be used for the purpose. Tongue and mouth should be cleaned by a long flexible strip of metal or plant. It not only cleans the tongue but also stimulates digestion.
• Eyes Care
Eyes should be cleaned with fresh water. To prevent eye diseases and promote vision, wash eyes with Triphala water every day.
• Betel Chewing
Chewing of Betel leaves with small piece of Khadira and fragrant substances like Cardamom, Cloves etc. refreshes the mouth and enhances digestion.
• Oil Massage
It is necessaryto massage whole body with oil everyday. For massaging, Tila Taila, Sarshapa (Mustard) Taila, Narikela (Coconut oil) and medicated oils may also be used. Oil masage ensures softness and unctuousness of skin, free movement of joints and muscles, peripheral circulation and elimination of metabolic wastes.
• Exercise
Regular exercise is essential part of dincharya for perfect health. It builds up stamina and resistance against disease, clears the channels of body and increases the blood circulation and efficiency of body organs, promotes appetite and digestion and prevents obesity.
• Bath
Bathing improves enthusiasm, strength, sexual vigour, appetite, span of life and removes sweat and other impurities from the body. After bath one should wear clean clothes and smear the body with perfume. One should have regular shaving, hair cut, clipping of nails etc.
• Diet
Diet should be regulated in your dincharya taking into account the habitat, season, age, habit etc. Diet should be balanced and the quantity should be according to one’s digestive capacity. Following points may be considered while taking food –
▪︎ The food should be tasty, nutritious, fresh and good in appearance.
▪︎ Too spicy, salty and pungent food should be avoided.
▪︎ It should neither be very hot not very cold.
▪︎ Liquid intake should be more frequent and in small amount.
▪︎ Heavy food should be taken in a limited quantity.
▪︎ Heavy food should not be taken at night. The proper time for night meals is two to three hours before going to bed. After dinner, it is better to go for a short walk.
▪︎ After meals, heavy physical work should be avoided.
▪︎ Mind should be peaceful while eating.
▪︎ Eat only when you are hungry.
▪︎ Don’t over eat.
• Sleep
Food, sleep and abstinence are the three important factors to be considered in dincharya (daily life )to maintain good health. Following rules have to be followed while sleeping –
▪︎ The bedroom should be absolutely clean, well ventilated and away from noise and disturbance.
▪︎ The bed must be neat, clean and free from bugs.
▪︎ The mind should be absolutely from worldly affairs and worries while going to bed.
▪︎ Sleeping late at night leads to ill health.
▪︎ A minimum of 8 hours sleep is required in 24 hours.
▪︎ Sleep during the day should be avoided as far as possible. However, if one keeps awake at night, person’s who is weak and ill, may sleep in day time. Day sleep is not contraindicated in summer but in winter,day sleep increases Kapha, thereby causing respiratory and digestive troubles.
▪︎ It is advisable to massage the head, soles and palms with oil before going to bed.
For more informative articles on Ayurveda and other health related issues, please visit our website www.santripty.com and YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@santripty and feel free to consult with our experienced team of doctors, get benefits and stay healthy.