Akarkara is a perennial plant, in habit and appearance like the chamomile, has stems that lie on the ground for part of their length, before rising erect.Its botanical name is Anacyclus pyrethrum belongs to Asteraceae family. It is also known as Akarkarabh and in English it is famed by the name Pellitory.
Chemical Composition –
An alkaloid, Pyrethrine, yielding pyrethric acid, is stated to be the active principle.
The root of the plant contains anacycline, isobutylamide, inulin and a trace of essential oil. The plant also contains Anacyclin and Eneteriyne alcohol.
Effects on Doshas –
Akarkara reduces vitiated kapha and vata dosha and stimulate nerves.
Parts Used –
Dried Roots, Leaves and Flowers of Akarkara are used for medicinal purposes.
Dosage –
• Akarkara Capsule – 1-2 capsules once or twice a day.
• Akarkara Powder – 2-4 pinches once or twice a day.
Benefits –
Some of the important benefits of Akarkara root are:
• Sexual Disorders
Akarkara helps in improving sexual performance in men. It stimulates the secretion of testosterone which improves blood flow to the male sex organ, helps to maintain erection and enhances sperm production. Thus increasing the sexual desire and overall sexual performance.
• Cough
It helps to expel mucus from the respiratory tract due to its expectorant property.
• Memory
It may help in memory enhancement as it inhibits the activity of the enzyme (cholinesterase) responsible for memory impairment, thus helping in the management of memory loss. Akarkara is also found to be beneficial in case of Alzheimer’s diseases.
• Digestive
It aids in digestion by stimulating the secretion of saliva and other digestive juices needed for digestion.
• Diuretic
Akarkara increases the frequency of urination due to its diuretic property.
• Arthritis
Akarkara is useful to get relief from joint pain when used externally. In some Ayurvedic pain relieving oils, Akarkara is used as the main ingredient.
• Worm Problems
It helps in destroying intestinal worms due to its anthelmintic property.
• Dental Problems
It is used as a gargle in cases of gingivitis, oral ulcers, dental caries and pain in the tooth due to its sialagogue (enhancing saliva secretion) property
Side Effects –
If the herb is given in additional dosage, it can lead to tremors, excessive salivation, excessive stimulation of the nerves and even lead to loss of consciousness.
It is not safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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