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Psychological Problems In Teenage Girls

Psychological Problems In Teenage Girls

we bring you a small guide to understand what can happen through the head of your teenage girl.

Adolescence is a very complicated age for the young person who is experiencing a lot of internal and external changes that they don’t know how to control. And parents and adults who are with them, always prevent their rapidly changing attitudes and talk calmly with them.

In adolescence, it is common the appearance of certain psychological problems that are more or less serious depending on the disorder, the moment of its identification and diagnosis, and the treatment of psychologists and support that the teenage girls receive.

Two types of psychological problems in adolescence

In general, most disorders are divided into two types:

Emotional and behavioral: Mood disorders, eating behavior (anorexia, bulimia), the so-called adolescence crisis (isolation, aggressiveness, rebellion, conflicting anxiety in relation to identity and sexual orientation), and disorders by substances such as alcohol or etc.
Learning: Attention Deficit, which can occur with or without hyperactivity.

Anxiety In Teenagers

As they explain in the General Council of Psychology of Spain (COP), adolescents are nervous by nature, but their anxiety must be kept within limits so that it does not adversely affect their life.

Teens with high levels of anxiety tend to be insecure, perfectionist, and in great need of receiving the approval of others. They usually have little confidence in themselves and are afraid of many situations.

The anxiety crisis: it is “anxiety to its fullest extent”. It appears abruptly and usually of short duration, although very intense: it gives the feeling of imminent death. Symptoms include palpitations, sweating, trembling, and choking, as well as chest pain and discomfort around the heart.

Teenage Depression

Remember that “depressed mood” is widespread in adolescents: there are too many changes in a short time, and many young people react by isolating themselves from others. This makes it difficult to diagnose depression in Teenage Girls, but we must not stop being alert to sudden behavioral changes and symptoms such as these:

Depressed or irritable mood.
Tiredness or lack of energy.
Loss of interest for almost any activity.
Sleep is increased or decreased.
Feelings of worthlessness.
The weight increases or reduces significantly without performing any diet.
Agitation or psychomotor slowdown.
Difficulty thinking or concentrating.
Fear of death and ideas of suicide.
Anorexia And Bulimia

Anorexia and bulimia are the most common eating disorders in young. These are diseases in which food and weight become an obsession. The people most predisposed to suffer from these diseases are perfectionists, insecure, willing to fulfill what others expect of them, and very controlling of their thoughts and appearance.

The key points to suspect the appearance of anorexia nervosa:

Refusal to maintain body weight above the average minimum value, taking into account age and size.
Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming obese, even being below average weight.
Alteration in the perception of weight or body silhouette (“looks” obese, “feels” overweight).
If you have had the first period, the absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles.

In the case of bulimia, the care must be taken because it can remain a secret for a long time until health problems begin to appear. This disease is characterized by great binge eating and, later, the fear that food makes you fat, so attitudes develop to avoid it: vomiting, periods of fasting, laxatives, and so on.

In both cases, it is essential to go to specialists who work both psychologically and emotionally. It is also recommended to avoid hospitalization whenever possible.

Obesity In Teenagers

The obesity interferes in several ways in teenage girls or boys and may even accelerate sexual maturation and growth course. Its psychological effects include:

Damaged self-esteem, by cruel jokes of other teenagers.
Constant concern about what other teenagers may think of them.
Sadness and isolation, which find comfort in food, thus constituting a vicious circle from which it is difficult to leave.

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Family Versus Adolescent Disorders

The most important thing is understanding and patience. If your child has any psychological disorder, no matter how serious, it is very likely that they feel a mixture of guilt and shame that makes them irresponsible. Therefore, in the family, you must show yourself understandable and patiently but, yes, without “passing everything”: still must learn to behave properly and have respect for others. Don’t forget a maxim: you have to focus on solutions, not problems. Therefore, going to ask experts for help will help and guide you through the process.