Eczema | Atopic dermatitis
Eczema | Atopic dermatitis is a superficial inflammatory skin disease that causes your skin to become dry, red and itchy. Eczema damages the skin barrier function .The loss of barrier function makes your skin more sensitive and more prone to infection and dryness. Having eczema doesn’t mean that your skin is dirty or infected and importantly it’s not contagious. Eczema is more common in children still it effects adult males and females equally .
Eczema can show up anywhere on your skin .In teens and adults ,it’s typically found on your hands ,neck ,inner elbows, ankles ,knees,feet and around your eyes.
Causes –
• Weak immune system –
The people having weak immunity due to recurrent infective diseases are more prone for eczema.
• Genetics –
If you have a family history of having eczema you are more prone to be a victim of eczema. You are also more prone if you have a family history of diseases like asthma ,hayfever or allergies like food allergy.
• Environment –
Your near by environment also effects you being more susceptible to eczema like exposure to tobacco smoke ,air pollutants ,harsh soaps and detergents , fabrics such as wool. Extreme low and high temperature also effects skin for being dry and itchy.
• Stress –
Your stress levels can cause or worsen your eczema.
• Hormones –
Females experience eczema when their hormones change in pregnancy or during menstruation cycle.
Sign and symptoms –
• Dry skin
• Itchy skin
• Red rashes
• Bumps on the skin
• Scaly , leathery patches of skin
• Crusting skin
• Swelling
People having eczema can have following medical conditions alongside – allergies like food allergies , depression ,sleep loss , anxiety.
Types –
Besides atopic dermatitis some other types are also there –
• Allergic contact dermatitis –
It is a skin reaction that occurs following contact with a substance or allergen which is recognised by immune system as a foreign particle.
• Dyshidrotic eczema –
It refers to irritation of skin on the palm of hands and soles of the feet .It is characterized by blisters.
• Neurodermatitis –
This leads to scaly patches of skin on the head ,forearm ,wrists and lower legs.It occurs due to localised itch such as insect bite.
• Discoid eczema –
It is also known as nummular eczema. It is in the form of circular patches of irritated skin which can be crusted ,scaly and itchy.
• Stasis dermatitis –
It is skin irritation of the lower leg.
Home care –
• Taking lukewarm baths.
• Applying moisturizer within 3 minutes of bathing to lock moisture.
• Wearing cotton and soft fabrics & avoid tight fitting clothing.
• Using a humidifier in dry and cold weather.
• Learning and avoiding eczema triggers.
• Keep finger nails short to prevent scratching.
Ayurvedic Perspective –
In Ayurveda Eczema | Atopic dermatitis is called as vicharchika .It leads to an impairment of digestion and aggravate pitta dosha.Pitta manifest in the skin and produces heating toxins called Ama .These toxins get into body tissues ,contaminating them on a deep level and resulting eczema.
Line of treatment –
• Shodhan chikitsa –
* Sarvang snehan & swedan
* Vaman karma
* Shirodhara
In infants deep cleansing is not indicated and the treatment usually given through mother in breastfeeding babies. Simple home remedies and lifestyle tips are given to mother and baby. A daily teaspoon of Aloevera mixed with any liquid like water given to the infant can do wonders to relieve symptoms and rejuvenate the skin.
• Shaman chikitsa –
Some herbs –
1) Neem–
Neem cleanses the heat and toxins from liver and blood and relieves itching.
2) Manjishta –
It balances pitta in the skin ,calms itching and purifies blood.
3) Turmeric –
It detoxifies ,reduces inflammation and relieves itching.
4) Guduchi –
It relieves all Doshas especially pitta ,regulates immune system,reduces burning and systemic inflammation.
5) Khadira –
It purifies blood and relieves itching.
6)Aloevera –
It cools the blood ,promotes healing of skin ,cleanses intestines ,calms itching and burning sensation.
Some Ayurvedic Medications –
• Kaishore guggul
• Aarogyavardhini vati
• Gandhak Rasayan
• Neem churna
• Mahamanjishtharhishta
• Khadirarhishta
• Sarivasav
• Panchtikta ghrita
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