Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a type of bacteria known as Treponema pallidum. Men are more infected than women, particularly the men who have sex with men.
This condition can be challenging to diagnose. Someone can have it without showing any symptoms for years. Syphilis that remains untreated for a long time can cause major damage to important organs, like the heart and brain.
The first sign of syphilis is a small, painless sore. It can appear on the sexual organs, rectum, or inside the mouth. This sore is called a chancre.
can spread only through direct contact with syphilitic chancres.
Symptoms & Stages –
Syphilis develops in stages and symptoms vary with each stage. But the stages may overlap and symptoms don’t always occur in the same order.
• Primary Syphilis
The first sign of syphilis is a small sore, called a chancre. The sore appears at the spot where the bacteria entered your body. Most people infected with it develop only one chancre, some people develop several of them.
The chancre usually develops about three weeks after exposure. any people who have this don’t notice the chancre because it’s usually painless, but it’s highly infectious and it may be hidden within the mouth, vagina, or rectum. The chancre will heal on its own within three to six weeks.
This is transmitted by direct contact with a sore. This usually occurs during sexual activity, including oral sex.
• Secondary Syphilis
Within a few weeks of the original change feeling, skin rashes and a sore throat may develop during the second stage of syphilis. The rash won’t itch and is usually found on the palms and soles, but it may occur anywhere on the body. Some people don’t notice the rash before it goes away.
Other symptoms of this stage include –
• Headaches
• Fever
• Joint Pain
• Swollen lymph nodes
• Weight loss
• Hair loss
• Fatigue
These symptoms will go away whether or not treatment is received.
Secondary syphilis is often mistaken for another condition.
• Latent Syphilis
If you are not treated for syphilis, the disease moves from the secondary stage to the hidden (latent) stage, when you have no symptoms. The latent stage can last for years. Signs and symptoms may never return, or the disease may progress to the tertiary stage.
• Tertiary Syphilis
About 15% to 30% of people infected with who don’t get treatment will develop complications known as the late or tertiary stage.
The tertiary stage can occur years or decades after the initial infection. Tertiary syphilis can be life-threatening.
Some outcomes of this stage include –
• Destruction of soft /issue and bone
• Neurological disorders such as stroke or meningitis
• Heart disease
• Neurosyphilis
• Memory loss
• Deafness
• Blindness
• Mental illness
• Neuro Syphilis
At any stage, it can spread and among other damage, cause damage to the brain and nervous system, and eye.
• Congenital Syphilis
Babies born to women who have this disease can become infected through the placenta or during birth. Most of the newborns with congenital syphilis have so symptoms, although some experience a rash on the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet.
However, babies born with can also be born too early, be born dead (Stillborn), or die after birth.
Causes –
Syphilis is caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum.
One can get it through direct contact with syphilis sore on someone else’s body. The bacteria are usually transferred to others during sexual activity, but the bacteria can also get into your body through cuts on your skin or through your mucous membranes.
Syphilis can’t be spread by toilet seats, doorknobs, swimming pools, hot tubs, bathtubs, shared clothing, or eating utensils.
Risk Factors –
The factors increasing the risk of acquiring syphilis include –
• Engage in unprotected sex
• Have sex with multiple partners
• Being a man who has sex with men
• Infected with HIV
Complications –
Without treatment, syphilis can lead to damage throughout your body. Treatment can help present future damage but can’t repair or reverse the damage that’s already occurred.
The complications of syphilis include –
• Appearance of bumps or tumors called gummas to develop on your skin, bones, liver, or any other organ in the late stage of syphilis.
• Several neurological problems emerge such as Stroke, meningitis, hearing loss, visual problems, dementia, loss of sensation like pain, temperature, impotency, bladder incontinence.
• Cardiovascular problems arise which include bulging and inflammation of heart blood vessels including the aorta. It can damage heart valves also.
• Risk of having HIV due to syphilis increase 2-5 times.
• A pregnant mother can pass syphilis to her unborn baby. Congenital syphilis increases the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, or newborn death within a few days after birth.
Diagnosis –
It can be diagnosed by testing samples of –
• Blood
Blood tests can confirm the presence of antibodies the body produces to fight infection. The antibodies to syphilis causing bacteria remain in your body for years, so the test can be used to determine a current or past infection.
• Cerebrospinal fluid
If it’s suspected that you have nervous system complications of syphilis, the doctor may suggest collecting a sample of cerebrospinal fluid through a procedure called a lumbar puncture.
Treatment –
Primary and secondary syphilis are easy to treat with a penicillin injection.
It is one of the most widely used antibiotics and is usually effective in treating syphilis.
People who are allergic to penicillin will likely be treated with a different antibiotic, such as –
• Doxycycline
• Azithromycin
• Ceftriaxone
If you have neurosyphilis, you will get daily doses of penicillin intravenously. This will often require a brief hospital stay.
Unfortunately, the damage caused by late syphilis can’t be reversed. The bacteria can be killed, but treatment will most likely focus on easing pain and discomfort.
If you are sexually active, your panther should be treated as well. Don’t resume sexual activity until you and your partner here completed treatment.
Ayurvedic Perspective –
Iu Ayurveda, Syphilis can be correlated with Firanga Roga. It is due to the vitiation of all the three energies but Kapha dosha is mainly dominating during chronic stages of the disease. As per the Ayurvedic perspective cause of sexually transmitted diseases is the result of weakened immunity.
Beneficial Herbs –
• Ashwagandha
• Aloe Vera
• Neem
• Turmeric
• Echinacea or Coneflower
• Tea tree oil
Effective Medications –
• Aarogyavardhini Vati
• Gandhak Rasayan
• Kaishore Guggulu
• Neem Churna
• Ras Manikya
• Ashwagandha Churna
• Maha manjishtharhishta
• Chandanasava
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