Sameer Pannag Ras
Sameer Pannag Ras is an Ayurvedic medicine, with herbal and mineral ingredients.It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of chronic diseases, joint disorders, etc. It has anti-oxidant property that prevents cell damage due to free radicals.
Ingredients –
Important mineral and herbal ingredients of this formulation are as follows –
• Shudha (purified) Parada( mercury)
• Shudha Gandhak(sulphur)
• Shudha Mansheel
• Hartal
• Ghrit Kumari Ras(Aloe vera)
• Swarna(gold)
Dosage –
Sameer pannag ras should be taken in a dosage of 125 mg one to two times a day, before or after meals with honey or warm water.
Benefits –
Being a herbo-mineral formulation Sameer pannag ras helps to treat lots of diseases effectively which are as follows –
• Sameer pannag ras give good results when paralysis condition occurs with high blood pressure.
• It gives relief in sudden shortness of breath, or breathing difficulty (dyspnoea)
• This formulation is highly effective in joint pain disorders specially rheumatism.
• This medicine gives good results in nervous problems such as Kati-stambha (lumbar spondylitis).
• Sameer pannag ras acts as antipyretic for Sannipat jwar (fever resulting from morbid condition of the three humours Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
• It helps in expelling mucus from lungs and thus gives relief in Cough and Asthma.
Precautions –
• This medicine should only be taken under strict medical supervision.
• Self medication with this medicine may prove to be dangerous.
• It is to be avoided in children and pregnant and lactating mothers.
• Over-dosage may cause many poisonous side effects.
• Take this medicine in precise dose and for limited period of time, as advised by doctor.
• Keep out of reach and sight of children.
• Store in a dry cool place.
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