Reproductive health is a state of complete physical and mental well being in all matters relating to the reproductive system and its functions. Reproductive healthcare of women needs management at various levels beyond health management like political,administrative,social and familial levels. Phytoestrogens are playing vital role in female reproductive health care. Ayurveda,serving people with its multifaceted principles like maintaining the health by preventing and treating the diseases, combined with rejuvenation therapies will have an edge in female reproductive health care.
All epochs of female reproductive depends primarily on hormones. Phytoestrogens will supplement the hormonal requirement and maintain their balance. Thus these help in preventing and treating various reproductive disorders. Similar to hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) these will maintain the health and especially with lesser risk.
Role of phytoestrogens in place of HRT in menopause and post menopausal stages is well researched. Lack of estrogens in postmenopausal women is often associated with several disorders, including vasomotor symptoms, cardiovascular disease.osteoporosis, neurodegenerative and other chronic diseases. For decades, postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT), which includes both estrogen and progestin, has been administered to postmenopausal women to mainly treat the symptoms of menopause and help prevent osteoporosis,with the added benefit of preventing coronary heart disease (CHD). Recently it is found that a number of relevant side-effects attributed to this therapy outweighs the benefits. Therefore an approach to the prevention and treatment of long term Effects of menopause i.e. alternative to estrogens seems highly desirable. Phytoestrogens effects are even vast i.e. from before menarche to post menopause including conception and lactation.
Ayurvedic treatment with drugs ,diet and regimen in these various epochs of women reproductive life is based on multidimensional approach. Diet and drugs mentioned in Ayurveda comprehensively manage these conditions. These have phytoestrogens as one of their constituents. These drugs and diet act in various other ways like rejuvenatory,adaptogenic ,immunomodulatory etc.
Many of the plants mentioned as drugs or diet for various female disorders treatment are containing phytoestrogens like flavonoids and lignans. These phytoestrogens have a chemical structure that is similar to that of 17 beta estradiol with their competing action on estrogen receptors. Based on their dose and form ,they either stimulate or inhibit the hormones. Phytoestrogens are also beneficial in prevention and treatment of disorders like cancer , cardiovascular risks, osteoporosis etc. similar to hormonal replacement therapy ( HRT).
Here are some diet and drugs regimen which acts in different female disorders acts as phytoestrogens…
In absence or delayed menarche which is primarily due to defective hormones we use Tila(Sesame seeds),Masha(Black gram),lasuna(Garlic),Shatpushpa(Fennel)etc. Hence they will act by stimulating the hormonal axis to induce menarche.
Ayurvedic regimen for preconception care and pregnancy care includes plants are Lakshmana (Asparagus adsendens),Bala, Nagkesara, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Sahasravirya (Durva variety) etc.have shown estrogenic activity.
Contraceptive drugs mentioned in Ayurveda like Pippli (Piper longum),Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Japa (Hibiscus rosasinensis) etc.showed their hormonal action.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the major causes of infertility in female. Ayurvedic drugs like Nagkesara (Mesua Ferrea), Mundi taila (Sphaeranthus indicus) showed their positive role in inhibiting ovarian cysts.
Drugs useful in premenstrual syndrome (PMS) like Hingu ( Asafoetida), Jiraka dvaya (Cumin) also contain flavonoids suggesting their hormonal action.
Drugs acting in menstrual disorders like Ashoka (Saraca asoka), Mridvika (Grapes Vitis vinifera),Shatpushpa (Fennel)etc.also contain flavonoids suggesting their phytoestrogenic action.
Ayurvedic management of menopause with Rasayan Drugs like Shatavari, Ashwagandha,Vidari,Yashtimadhu etc. will have holistic and positive approach with their multidimensional action including hormonal balance.
Management of lactation with drugs like Shatavari,Vidari,Lasuna Ayurveda has hormonal basis .
Hence Ayurvedic management of different female reproductive disorders is vry much effective and has no side effects so I strongly recommend for women all around accept Ayurveda for their happiness and health.
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