Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina. It is a common condition and most women will have it once in sometimes in their life. It normally occurs as a result of an infection. Reduced estrogen levels after menopause and some skin disorders can also cause vaginitis. Vaginal discharge, itching, burning and sometimes pain also are the main features of vaginitis.
The vagina is the muscular canal that runs from the cervix to the outsideofthe body,lined by a mucus membrane.It has an average length of about 6-7 inches.The only partof vagina that is normally visible from the outside is the vaginal opening.
The most common symptoms of vaginitis are –
• Discharge that may be white, gray, watery or foamy
• Inflammation, leading to redness and swelling of the labia majora,labia minora and perineal area.
• Irritation of the genital area
• foul or fishy vaginal odour
• Painful sexual intercourse,known as dyspareunia.
• Bacterial vaginosis –
It results from a change of the normal bacteria found in your vagina to overgrowth of other organisms. Due to this grayish-white, forl semelling discharge appears.The fishy odour thatmight be more obvious after sexual intercourse can be felt.
• Yeast infection-
It is usually caused by a naturally occuring fungus called Candida albicans. The main symptom is itching but you might have a white, thick dischargethat resembles cottage cheese.
• Trichomoniasis –
It is caused by a parasite and is commonly transmitted by sexual intercourse. It causes a greenish-yellow,sometimes frothy discharge.
• Atrophic vaginitis–
The endothelium or lining of the vagina,gets thinner when estrogen levels decrease during the menopause, making it more prone to irritation and inflammation.
• Infection is the most common cause of vaginitis, including Candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and tricomoniasis.
• Less commonly vaginitis may also be caused by gonorrhoea, chlamydia, mycoplasma, herpes,Campylobacter, some parasites and poor hygeine.
• Before puberty, Streptococcus spp is a more likely cause, Sometimes because of improper hygeine practices spread bacteria from the anal area to the genitals.
• The proximity of the vagina to the anus,lack of estrogen, lack of pubic hair and lack of labial fat pads may increase the risk of Vulovaginits before puberty.It can affect women of all ages.
• Sometimes, vaginitis can be caused from an allergic reaction,for example, through Condoms, spermicides, topical medications, lubricants and even semen.
• Douching and using vaginal products,such as sprays, spermicides and birth control devices,may also become the cause of vaginitis to occur.
• Women with Diabetes and ongoing pregnancy makes them more prone for vaginitis.
• Wearing tight pants or damp underwear also causes vaginitis.
The doctor may conduct a pelvic examination to check inside the vagina for inflammation and ex cen discharge. A sample of discharge may be taken to determine the cause of inflammation.
The cause of vaginitis may be diagnosed by checking the appearance of the vaginal fluid,vaginal pH levels, thepresence of volatile amines which causes badsmell and the microscopic detection of specific cells.
A variety of organisms andCondition can cause vaginitis,. so treatment also targets the specific cause-
• Bacterial vaginosis-
For this type of vaginitis, you may take metronidazole tablets by mouth or metronidazole gel or clindamycin cream that can be used to apply locally in infected vagina.
• Yeast infections-
These infections are treated with over the counter antifungal creams or suppository such as miconazole, clotrimazole or butoconazole. It may also be treated with Ordautfangel medication like fluconazole.
• Trichomoniasis-
Metronidazole Or tinidazole tablets can treat this type of vaginitis.
• Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (vaginal atrophy) –
Estrogen- in the form of vaginal creams, tablets or rings – can treat this condition effectively.
• Non infectious vaginitis-
To treat this type of infection, you need to pointout the source of irritation and need to avoid it. Possible sources maybe new soap, laundary detergents, sanitary napkins or tampons.
• Maintain a good personal hygeine.
• Use antibiotics only when necessary
• Use mild soaps without scents or irritants
• Avoid douching and irritating agents such as hygiene sprays, soaps and other feminine products
• Prefer to wear cotton underwear and loose fitting clothing
• Practicing sex with a condom.
Ayurvedic Perspective.
Vaginitis is due to the imbalance of. in the middle Pitta and lower vata sthanas and the vitiated Artava Srota including Rakta Srota obstruction with loss of Rakta function. In Ayurveda vaginits is also included in 20 types Yonivyapad. Along with vata and pitta doshas Kapha dosha also plays its role in vaginitis to occur.
Panchkarma Therapies –
• Snehana- External as well as internal oleation with medicated Oil or ghee.
• Abhyanga – It is a form of external massage
• Swedana- Bashpa Sweda,Parisheka Sweda and avgaha sweda are some of common procedures of swedan affective in Vaginitis.
• Picu – It involves application of medicated oils to the affected area using a cotton pad.
Effective Herbs –
• Neem-
• Manjistha-
• Daruharidra –
Beneficial Medications-
• Nimbadi yoni varti
• Pancha valkala kwatha
• Gandhak Rasayan
• Abhyarhishta
• Punarnavasav
• Gokshuradi gugglu
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[…] changes, the yeast cells can multiply which causes intense itching, swelling and irritation of vagina and the […]