Appendicitis is an inflammation of nathe appendix, a finger shaped pouch that projects from your colon on the lower right side of your abdomen.
Appendicitis causes pain in your lower right abdomen. However, in most people, pain begins around the navel and then moves. As inflammation worsens, appendicitis pain typically increases and eventually becomes severe.
Although anyone can develop appendicitis, most often it occurs in people between the agesof 10-30 years. Standard treatment is surgical removal of the appendix.
Symptoms –
Appendicitis pain may start off as mild cramping.It oftenbecomes more steady and severe overtime. It may start in your upper abdomen or bellybutton area, before moving to the lower right quadrant of your abdomen.
You may experience following symptoms if your appendix get to inflamed:-
• Pain in your lower right belly or pain near your navel that moves lower.This is usually the first sign.
• Nausea and vomitting soon after belly pain begins
• Fever of 99-102 degrees
• Can’t pass gas
• Swollen belly
Some other less common symptoms of appendicitis are –
• Dull or sharp pain anywherein your upper or lower belly, back or rear end
• Constipation or diarrhoea with gas
• Vomitting before your belly pain starts
• Painful or difficult peeing
• Severe cramps
If you are constipated and you suspect that you have appendicitis, avoid taking laxativesor using an enema. These treatments may cause your appendix to burst.
Causes –
Exact cause of appendicitis is unknown. Experts believe it develops when part of the appendix becomes obstructed or blocked.
Many things can block your appendix, including-
• a build up of hardened stool
• traumatic injury
• enlarged lymphoid follicles
• tumors
When your appendix becomes blocked, bacteria can multiply inside it. This can lead to the formation of pus and swelling,which can cause painful pressure in your abdomen.
• Acute Appendicitis –
It is a severe and sudden case of appendicitis. The symptoms tend to develop quickly over the course of one to two days. It requires immediate medical treatment. If left untreated, it can cause your appendix to rupture. This can be a serious and even fatal complication. Acute appendicitis is more common than chronic appendicitis.
• Chronic Appendicitis –
In chronic cases of appendicitis, the symptoms may be relatively mild. They may disappear before reappearing again over a period of weeks, months or even years. This type of appendicitis can be challenging to diagnose. sometimes, it is not diagnosed until it develops into acute appendicitis. Chronic appendicitis can be dangerous.
Diagnosis –
Following are the test that can help diagnose appendicitis –
• Examination of your abdomen to look for inflammation
• Blood test to see whether your body is fighting an infection
• Urine test to rule out a urinary tract infection
• Rectal exam
• Ultrasonography
• CT scans
Depending on your condition, your doctor’s recommended treatment plan for appendicitis may include one or more of the following –
• Surgery to remove your appendix
• Needle drainage or surgery to drain an abscess
• Antibiotics
• Pain relievers
• Intravenous fluids
• Liquid diet
In race cases, this problem may get better without surgery. But in most cases, you will need surgery to remove your appendix. This is known as an Appendectomy.
Complications –
• A ruptured appendix-
A rupture spreads infection throughout your abdomen(peritonitis). Possibly life-threatening, this condition requires immediate surgery to remove the appendix and clean your abdominal cavity.
• A pocket of pus that forms in the abdomen –
If your appendix bursts, you may develop a pocket of infection (abscess). In mostcases, a surgeon drains the abscess by placing a tube through your abdominal wall into the abscess.
Ayurvedic Perspective –
Chronic appendicitis can be considered as Antravidradhi and is treated accordingly.
Treatment Principle –
• Antarvidradhi and dhatu pakahara ausadhas
• Ama pacana ausadhas
• In acute phases, it is better to refer to an allopathic hospital chronic conditions can be consideredas Antravidradhi and should be treated with ama pacanam.
Beneficial Herbs-
• Triphla
Effective medications –
• Kaidaryadi Churnam
• Dhanvantra gutika
• Bilvadi gutika
• Astamangala ghrita
• Madhukasava
• Parpatakristam
• Agnikumara Ras
• Swaranamakshika Bhasm
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