Kapitha, scientifically known as Limonia acidissima from Rutaceae family is a popular medicinal herb deeply rooted in Ayurvedic practices. It is also known as Wood Apple in English & Kaitha in Hindi.This tropical fruit-bearing tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and is esteemed for its wide array of therapeutic properties. The various parts of the Kapitha tree, including its fruit, bark, leaves, and seeds, have been utilized for centuries in traditional medicine to promote overall health and well-being.
Physical Appearance –
The Kapitha tree is characterized by its medium to large size, reaching heights of up to 15 meters. It possesses a dense and spreading crown, and its branches bear sharp thorns. The leaves of the tree are pinnate, alternate, and have a glossy appearance. The tree produces small, round, greenish-yellow fruits that contain a tangy pulp. The bark is rough and greyish-brown in color, while the seeds are flat and brown.
Parts Used –
• Fruit: The ripe fruit of Kapitha is extensively used for its medicinal properties. It is a rich source of essential nutrients, including vitamins A and C, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.
• Bark: The bark of the Kapitha tree is highly valued for its therapeutic potential. It contains compounds that exhibit antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
• Leaves: The leaves of Kapitha possess astringent and anti-diabetic properties. They are commonly used in the preparation of herbal formulations.
• Seeds: The seeds of Kapitha are utilized for their anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They are often incorporated into oils and ointments.
Dosage and Preparation –
The dosage and preparation of home based remedies may vary depending on the specific ailment being addressed. It is crucial to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional for personalized guidance. However, here are some general guidelines –
• Fruit:
° Fresh Fruit: Consume 1-2 ripe Kapitha fruits daily.
° Juice: Extract the juice from the fruit and consume 30-50 ml twice a day.
• Bark:
• Decoction: Boil 5-10 grams of Kapitha bark in 200 ml of water until the volume reduces to one-fourth. Strain and consume the decoction twice a day.
• Leaves:
• Infusion: Steep 5-10 grams of dried Kapitha leaves in a cup of hot water for 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink 1-2 cups per day.
• Seeds:
° Oil: Crush Kapitha seeds and infuse them in a carrier oil like coconut or sesame oil. Apply the oil topically to alleviate inflammation or joint pain.
Benefits –
• Digestive Health: Kapitha fruit possesses digestive stimulant properties, promoting healthy digestion and alleviating issues like constipation and flatulence.
• Immunity Booster: Rich in vitamin C, K it’s fruit strengthens the immune system, protects against infections, and enhances overall health.
• Antimicrobial Effects: The bark and seeds of Kapitha exhibit antimicrobial properties, aiding in the treatment of skin infections and wounds.
• Anti-inflammatory Properties: The active compounds in Kapitha possess anti-inflammatory effects, offering relief from inflammatory conditions like arthritis.
• Anti-diabetic Effects: Kapitha leaves assist in regulating blood sugar levels.
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