Japanese encephalitis
Japanese encephalitis is a mosquito borne viral infection.It is the leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia.
It is a virus in the flavi virus family. The Culex mosquito passes it on. The virus can infect horse and pigs, as well as humans.
A host is the source of a virus, and the vector passes it on.Wild birds are likely to be the natural host of JEV, and mosquitoes are the vectors. A vector does not cause disease but passes it on.
When mosquitoes infect an animal, the animal might become a carrier of the virus. When other mosquitoes feed on these animals that have newly acquired the virus, they take it on board and infect other animals.
People are at the highest risk in rural areas where the virus is common. Japanese encephalitis is common around towns and cities.It is more likely to affect children because adults in areas Where the virus is endemic generally become immune as they get older.
A person with Japanese encephalitis will probably have no symptoms at all, but if there are symptoms, they will appear 5 to 15 days after being infected.
A person with mild Japanese encephalitis might only develop a fever and a headache, but in more severe cases, more serious symptoms can develop quickly.
Possible symptoms include-
• a headache
• high fever
• tremors
• nausea
• vomiting
• Stiff neck
• spastic paralysis .
A person might also undergo changes to brain function, including –
• stupor
• disorientation
• coma
• convulsions in children
• testicles swelling
Mosquitoes acquire the virus ahead of transmission to humans by feeding on infected wild birds and domestic pigs.The mosquitoes then pass the virus to humans and animals.
The mosquitoes mainly live in agricultural and rural areas. Their larvaebreeds in pools of water, such as those in flooded rice fields.
Diagnosis –
• The doctor will examine Symptoms and verify where the individual lives and ask about the destinations of any recent visits from which the infection could have emerged.
• CT or MRI scan of the brain if there is a doubtof encephalitis.
There is no treatment or cure for Japanese encephalitis.
Once a person has the disease, treatment can only relieve the symptoms. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses .
Prevention is the best form of treatment for Japanese encephalitis.
A safe and effective vaccine is available to prevent infection. A doctor will give this as an injection over two doses. The second dose will occur 28 days after the first.
An accelerated schedule of vaccination is also possible in which only 7 days pass between the two doses. It is safe and suitable for people between 18 and 65years old.
Complications –
The brain symptoms of Japanese encephalitis can cause lifelong complications, such as –
• deafness
• uncontrollable emotions
• weakness on one side of the body
The chance of surviving the disease varies, but children face the highest risk of fatal consequences.
Prevention –
The best ways to prevent Japanese encephalitisis through vaccination and insect repellent containing Chemical called DEET.
Ayurvedic Perspective –
Based on symptoms and pathophysiology, this fever resembles Vatapittija Jwara in Ayurveda. The good news is it is treatable with Ayurvedic medicine.It is also known as Chamki fever in common terms.
Beneficial antiviral herbal kwath-
Effective Medications –
• Shadanga Paniya
• Guduchyadi Kashayam
• Guduchyadi Kashayam Churna
• Kumar kalyan Ras
• Ratnagiri Ras
• Mukta Pishti
• Praval Pishti
• Mulethi Churna
• Ashwagandha Churna
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