Diet For Cancer
Ayurveda focus on the nutrition or balanced diet (Pathya), when you are under cancer treatment. Warm, light and oily food is generally preferred. There is a rich knowledge on ayurvedic classics to treat Cancer and also specific diet for cancer.
Long pepper, chitrak, calamus, turmeric, manjishta are some of the healing herbs for cancer management.
Application of Ficus bengalensis and Saussurea lappa pacifies tumour growth on bone.
Habitual intake of Malabar spinach or Basella rubra was advised in malignant tumour.•
A classical recipe Yavani Takra, fermented buttermilk prepared with seeds of Henbane/ Hyoscyamus niger is advised in the treatment of Cancer. Today the researches are on-going in relation to the Henbane effect in reducing prostate cancer.
Herbs help total healing, reduces the side effects and cancer-associated complications.
•. Andrographis paniculata
•. Annona atemoya
•. Phyllanthus niruri
•. Piper longum
•. Podophyllum hexandrum
•. Tinospora cordifolia
•. Semecarpus anacardium
•. Vitis vinifera
•. Baliospermum montanum
•. Madhuca indica
•. Pandanus odoratissimum
•. Pterospermum acerifolium
•. Raphanus sativus
•. Barleria prionitis
•. Prosopis cineraria
•. Amorphopallus campanulatus
•. Oxoxylum indicum
•. Basella rubra
•. Flacourtia romantchi
•. Moringa oleifera
•. Ficus bengalensis
•. Curcuma domestica
•. Allium sativum
•. Calotropis gigantean
•. Datura metel
•. Hygrophila spinosa
•. Juniperus indica
•. Moringa oleifera
•. Nigella sativa
•. Picrorrhiza kurroa
•. Rubia cordifolia, etc. are various plants having scientific evidence of anticancer property.
Nowadays, many herbs are under clinical studies and being investigated phytochemically to understand their anticancer potential.
What diet is recommended to a patient suffering from Cancer?
The best diet is to follow intermittent fasting or calorie restricted diet which is sufficient enough to provide all required nutrients to the body and immunity but at the same time, deprives cancer cells of their food and compel them to die.
General guidelines are as follows:
1) Strictly avoid all Maida and bakery products
2) No Sabudana, no vinegar, no tobacco and no Liquor.
3) Avoid deep fried food
4) Avoid late night dinner (dinner should be over by 7 pm)
5) No raw food or salad, especially when on chemotherapy
6) Minimum intake of Sugar with one or two days of ” NO sugar” per week in any form (Which means no White/ brown sugar, No Jaggery, No honey, No fruit juices, no Carrot or beetroot juice)
7) Once a week fasting as per the advice of expert Vaidya.
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