Atibala which means “Very Powerful” is also known as Indian mallow. It is a common roadside weed, which is grown in hotter parts of India as a weed. It is an erect, perennial plant that has a height of about 1–2 meters. It has long tap roots light brown in hue, with a smooth outer surface that can be easily peeled off. Stems are long and cylindrical, whereas leaves are simple, stipulate, and arranged alternately on the stem. Flowers are regular, orangish-yellow in color. Fruits are green when young, turning gradually to black as they mature, enclosing seeds that are reniform and tuberculate with a hairy exterior.
It’s botanical name is Abutilon indicum which belongs to Malvaceae family. It is known as Kanghi in Hindi.
Properties –
• Aphrodisiac
• Strength provider
• Analgesic
• Anti-inflammatory
• Diuretic
• Antioxidant
• Anticonvulsant
Parts Used –
It’s root, seeds, stem bark and fruit can be used for medicinal purposes.
Dosage –
The precise therapeutic dosage of Atibala may deviate from person to person depending upon their age, health, and severity of the disease.
• Roots Powder: 3 – 6 grams
• Seed Powder: 1 – 3 grams
• Root extract: 250 – 750 mg
• Seed extract: 125 – 500 mg
Benefits –
• Male Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual Dysfunction in men can be in the form of loss of libido (less or no inclination) towards a sexual act. This is referred to as ‘early discharge or premature ejaculation’. Taking Atibala powder helps in the proper functioning of male sexual performance. It helps manage Sexual dysfunction by increasing the quality and quantity of semen due to its Vrushya (aphrodisiac) property.
• Epilepsy
Atibala may be useful in the treatment of seizures. It contains linoleic acid and/or flavonoid components, which have anticonvulsant properties and prevent muscles from contracting involuntarily.
• Malnutrition
Malnutrition can be correlated to Karshya disease in Ayurveda. It occurs due to the lack of nutrients and improper digestion. Regular use of Atibala helps to fight against Malnutrition.
• Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
It increases urine flow and reduces the symptoms of UTI like burning sensation during urination.
• Osteoarthritis
Atibala has Vata balancing property and gives relief from the symptoms of Osteoarthritis-like pain and swelling in the joints.
• Immunity booster
Atibala leaves may have immunomodulatory properties. It boosts antibody production in the blood and neutralizes infections.This aids in the improvement of the immune system.
• Respiratory Problems
Abutilon Indicum help alleviate the frequent bronchial asthma-like symptoms – dyspnea, cough, chest tightness and wheezing.
• Skin Health
Loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, Atibala is used for treating oxidative free radical damage due to the sun rays and hence arrests the various signs of aging like wrinkles, blemishes, fine lines, spots, and dark circles, etc. It is also highly effective in reducing acne, pimples, and different skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, etc., and makes your skin smooth and glowing.
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