Ayurveda for Childhood Obesity
Ayurvedic texts have described this disease under the heading of “Sthaulya”.Improper functioning of jataragni effects dhatu agni in children leads to symptoms of childhood obesity. The treatment in Ayurveda for childhood obesity begins with the pacification of Kapha Dosha. This can be done by eliminating Kapha-aggravating foods from the diet. Next, the treatment also focuses on cleansing of the Medovahi channels through cleansing herbs so that excess weight can be reduced.
Obesity among children and adolescents is reaching alarming proportions in India and world. Obesity impacts the child’s immediate health, educational attainment and quality of life. Marketing of unhealthy foods and sugary beverages along with insufficient physical activity and excessive television watching and computer use are the major contributing factor towards childhood obesity.
Natural home remedies in Ayurveda for childhood obesity
• Lemon juice and honey: The best and simple way to reduces weight is drinking one cup of warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey in empty stomach.
• Triphala powder: Mixing two teaspoon of triphala powders a natural herb easily available at homes with 500ml of water and allow it to boil for 5mins. Strain the liquid and drink it regularly to burn the excessive fat stored in the body.
• Make cabbage as your best friend: Take one cup of cabbage daily. Cabbage contains tartaric acid and this helps to convert the sugar and other carbohydrates into fat.
• Vyaayaama: Simple exercises are also much essential to be done alone with other remedial measures to reduce the body weight
• Avoid Sugar: Avoid white sugar and starch from diet. Prefer brown rice and other cereals in the diet.
• Control your excessive eating habit: excessive eating of junk and fast foods is the most important cause of obesity. This should be avoided and learn to eat healthy and right food at regular interval. Have only three meals per day. Diet controlling does not mean fasting so it is best advised to have small meal at regular interval.
• Herbs: People with obesity are recommended to go for food that helps to reduce Kapha and extra fats. The food should be light and dry prepared with less oil. A few herbs can be added to the diet, such as Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger, Pepper, Coriander, Bibhitaka (Terminalia belericia), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Guggul , Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) are effective for reducing the body weight.
Herbal Supplements
Unlike conventional drugs for weight loss, Ayurvedic supplements offer a better advantage in controlling the weight without any unwanted side effects. Some of the herbs that are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicines for obesity and weight loss are Triphala Guggulu (a combination of three wonder herbs – Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki) and Trikatu Churna (a combination of ginger, pepper and pippali).
Therapeutic Yoga
Practising yoga regularly can have immense benefits on your body and also helps to lose weight. Besides, there are several yoga asanas that have been proven to enhance the healing potential of Ayurveda. However, it is recommended to perform these asanas only in the presence of specialists and according to the instructions of the practitioner. Some of the yoga postures or asanas that help to get rid of excess body fat are:
• Tadasana: It is also known as the mountain pose and is performed to correct and maintain a proper body posture.
• Paschimottanasana: In this yoga asana, one sits with the body bent towards the thighs.
• Surya Namaskar: Also called sun salutation, it is an important yoga pose to regulate proper metabolism in your body.
• Pawanmuktasana: The Pawanmuktasana or the wind relieving pose stimulates the organs in the pelvic region like the intestines and urinary bladder.
• Bhujangasana: Commonly known as the cobra pose, this yoga pose works quite well to tone and strengthen your lower abdomen.
• Dhanurasana: The Dhanurasana or bow pose aids in the reduction of excess fat deposits in the abdomen region.
The above-mentioned yoga asanas work best when they are coupled with an appropriate diet and pranayama. The pranayama is the practice of controlling one’s breath. It clears the physical and emotional obstacles within your body so that Prana or life energy can freely flow. It enhances the flow of oxygen to the cells while stimulating higher metabolism and decreasing the BMI. Some of the common pranayama techniques that you can be practice for weight loss are:
• Kapalbhati pranayama: It involves pushing away active shots of exhalation through the abdomen wall. To ensure that it is done correctly, notice whether there is an inward movement of the belly with every exhalation.
• Anulom Vilom pranayama: In this pranayama, inhalation and exhalation are performed through alternate nostrils. If the air inhaled through the left nostril, the exhalation is done through the right nostril and vice versa.
• Bhastrika pranayama: Also known as the breath of fire, the Bhastrika pranayama is a powerful technique that can burn the excess body fats in a couple of months. It involves inhaling and exhaling forcefully at the same pace.
• Bhramari pranayama: In this pranayama, the eyes and ears are closed and a humming sound that resembles the sound of a bee is produced from the throat.
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